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HR Leadership Summit | Spring

Week commencing 2 June, 2025Online
Where HR Leaders Find Solutions, Strategy, and Meaningful Connections
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Four Centerstage Keynote Speakers

Exclusive Access. Personalised Meetings. Maximum Impact.

Whether you’re leveraging AI for workforce planning, transforming employee experience, or enhancing wellbeing and benefits strategies; CONNECT HR Online connects leaders with the right solutions.

Learn from the Experts Driving Innovation in HR.

On-Demand Content From:
Jackie Masters, GSK
Jackie Masters
Head of People and Organisational Effectiveness
Peter Michiels, Elia Group
Peter Michiels
Group Chief Alignment Officer & Chief HR, Interna...
John Rickan
Nick Lynn
Senior Director of Employee Experience and Engage...
Claire Thomas
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Margarita Echeverria
Global Head of Talent Assessment
Steve Wood
Head of People Development
Caroline Berns
Head of Diversity & Inclusion and Talent Acquisit...
Nicola Ladisa
HRO Director
Solveig Brustad
Damien Bernard
Head of People
Hasan Reza
Head of Workforce Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Priya Brar
r, Talent Acquisition Manager
James Edon-Williams
People BP
Hamira Riaz
Vice President – Strategic Leadership

Insights, Solutions, and On-Demand Expertise

Thousands of HR leaders have discovered cutting-edge solutions through CONNECT HR Online. Now, you can access exclusive one-to-one meetings and on-demand insights, all on your schedule.

Reserved for executives and tailored to support your professional and departmental goals.

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Advisory Board
Advisory board

A Strategic Agenda Crafted By Senior Human Resource Executives

Comprised of executive leaders and experts, the CONNECT HR Leadership Advisory Board provides strategic program guidance to build our event agendas. All programming and topics are designed to enlighten, support and initiate conversations that are current, ultra-relevant, and provide genuine value to your strategic vision.View the Advisory Board

On-Demand Content

Watch 35+ presentations on demand and with lifetime access.
Monday, June 02

Hamira RiazVice President – Strategic LeadershipThe Volvo Group
Hamira Riaz, Vice President – Strategic Leadership, The Volvo Group

Margarita EcheverriaGlobal Head of Talent AssessmentVodafone
Margarita Echeverria, Global Head of Talent Assessment, Vodafone

Peter MichielsGroup Chief Alignment Officer & Chief HR, Internal Communications & Legal Officer Elia Group
Peter Michiels, Group Chief Alignment Officer & Chief HR, Internal Communications & Legal Officer , Elia Group

Claire ThomasChief Diversity and Inclusion OfficerHitachi Vantara
Claire Thomas, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Hitachi Vantara
Tuesday, June 03

Priya BrarTalent Acquisition ManagerClarins
James Edon-WilliamsPeople BPClarins
2 speakers

Solveig BrustadCHRONofima
Solveig Brustad, CHRO, Nofima

Nick LynnSenior Director of Employee Experience and EngagementWTW
Nick Lynn, Senior Director of Employee Experience and Engagement, WTW

Damien BernardHead of PeopleComdata Digital and SL&E for Coca-Cola
Damien Bernard, Head of People, Comdata Digital and SL&E for Coca-Cola
Wednesday, June 04

Hasan RezaHead of Workforce Equity, Diversity and InclusionKent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Hasan Reza, Head of Workforce Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

Caroline BernsHead of Diversity & Inclusion and Talent Acquisition Middle East & AfricaEricsson
Caroline Berns, Head of Diversity & Inclusion and Talent Acquisition Middle East & Africa, Ericsson

Jackie MastersHead of People and Organisational EffectivenessGSK
Jackie Masters, Head of People and Organisational Effectiveness, GSK

John RickanHR VP - EMEABlueYonder
John Rickan, HR VP - EMEA, BlueYonder
Thursday, June 05

Nicola LadisaHRO DirectorDe Agostini
Nicola Ladisa, HRO Director, De Agostini

Maggie SpongFormer Global VP Talent AcquisitionAstraZeneca
Maggie Spong, Former Global VP Talent Acquisition, AstraZeneca

Juan Manuel Alvarez ZabalaFormer Chief People OfficerZurich Santander
Juan Manuel Alvarez Zabala, Former Chief People Officer, Zurich Santander

Michael GodfreyGlobal Head of Learning & DevelopmentExpedia Group
Michael Godfrey, Global Head of Learning & Development, Expedia Group
Friday, June 06

Navid NazemianFormer Global Head of HRVodafone
Navid Nazemian, Former Global Head of HR, Vodafone

Andrew Stotter BrooksVP Learning and DevelopmentEtihad
Andrew Stotter Brooks, VP Learning and Development, Etihad

Martijn SeijsenerGlobal Head of Employee ExperienceCredit Suisse
Martijn Seijsener, Global Head of Employee Experience, Credit Suisse

Nicola D’UvaAVP of Employee Health & Lifework StrategiesAdventist HealthCare
Nicola D’Uva, AVP of Employee Health & Lifework Strategies, Adventist HealthCare


Meaningful connections with relevant providers, fitted around your working week.
Attendee engaged in online summit, taking notes on a Zoom call
Inspiration at a time that suits you

Customise the ideal experience to fit your busy schedule and connect from the comfort of your own home or office.

All presentations are available to watch on-demand., and our dedicated Attendee Relations team will work around your agenda to schedule all meetings.

Headphones, phone, ipad, pencil, coffee on a desk
Earn Rewards

Since we can’t treat you to an incredible venue, luxury hotel or any of our fantastic Networking Events with our Online event, we’ve designed a reward system worthy of your time.

All attendees who complete their meetings schedule will earn their choice of amazing rewards, including gift cards, Apple products, charitable donations and much more. Speak to the team to learn more.

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Event Testimonials Quote 1I loved the quick One-to-One meetings—they provided unexpected value and made this one of the most useful events I've ever attended.
People Manager, McKenzie Intelligence Services
Event Testimonials Quote 2I enjoyed the flexibility of timings, the ease of rearranging if needed, and the content was relevant to our specific needs
Head of HR, Learning & Development, Lyons Bowe Solicitors
Event Testimonials Quote 3A very well-organized event—smooth and accommodating, even with last-minute schedule changes. The supplier meetings were valuable.
Group HR Director, Strix LTD

Meet our Solution Providers

We ‘re proud to work with the best in the business. By learning about your projects up front, we match you for One-on-One meetings with those best-suited to tackle the challenge. Become a Solution Provider
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HR Leadership Summit | Spring, UK
Week commencing 2 June, 2025 | Online